
Tunable Waveplates 可調(diào)波片

更新:2016/5/20 13:04:21      點擊:
  • 產(chǎn)品品牌   Alphalas
  • 產(chǎn)品型號   PO-TWP-MP-12-UV
  • 產(chǎn)品描述   UVIR型波片可以在150nm-6500nm范圍隨意調(diào)節(jié),而FIR型波片可以在1um-12um范圍隨意調(diào)節(jié)。...

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Tunable True Zero-Order Waveplates with Freely Adjustable Phase Retardation: MULTIPHASE

     A modification of our tunable phase retardation plate allows continuous variation of the phase retardation in the range 0° to 360°. The UVIR type plate can be adjusted to an arbitrary phase retardation in the range 150 nm - 6500 nm and the FIR type in the range from 1 µm to 21 µm . The MULTIPHASE plate successfully replaces the expensive Soleil-Babinet and other types of compensators and can be used to analyze the state of light polarization.

    The required phase retardation is achieved by tilting the plates 0° - 25° using a special tilt holder. Each plate is provided with tuning curves that allow easy determination of the phase retardation.

    The variable phase retardation plates are indispensable in research with widely tunable or broadband laser sources like dye lasers, optical parametric generators and femtosecond lasers.

    The variable phase retardation plates are offered at very competitive prices, making them an attractive alternative to other types of phase compensators.



Polarization Measurement & Control

Laser Research


Nonlinear Optics


Femtosecond Lasers

Waveplate   ModelWaveplate Description
PO-TWP-MP-12-UVTunable True Zero-Order Waveplate with Freely   Adjustable Phase Retardation -   MULTIPHASE 
Retardation adjustable from 0 to λ (0 to full wave), range 150   - 2000 nm, aperture Ø11 mm, may replace   Soleil-Babinet compensator!
PO-TWP-MP-25-UVTunable True Zero-Order Waveplate with Freely   Adjustable Phase Retardation -   MULTIPHASE 
Retardation adjustable from 0 to λ (0 to full wave), range 150   - 2000 nm, aperture Ø24 mm, may replace   Soleil-Babinet compensator!
PO-TWP-MP-12-IRTunable True Zero-Order Waveplate with Freely   Adjustable Phase Retardation -   MULTIPHASE 
Retardation adjustable from 0 to λ (0 to full wave), range 2000   - 6500 nm, aperture Ø11 mm, may replace   Soleil-Babinet compensator!
PO-TWP-MP-25-IRTunable True Zero-Order Waveplate with Freely   Adjustable Phase Retardation -   MULTIPHASE 
Retardation adjustable from 0 to λ (0 to full wave), range 2000   - 6500 nm, aperture Ø24 mm, thickness 5 mm, may   replace Soleil-Babinet compensator!
PO-TWP-MP-25-UVIRTunable True Zero-Order Waveplate with Freely   Adjustable Phase Retardation -   MULTIPHASE 
Retardation adjustable from 0 to λ (0 to full wave), range 150   - 3000 nm, aperture Ø24 mm, thickness 5 mm, may   replace Soleil-Babinet compensator!
