
先進(jìn)的數(shù)字CCD相機(jī)線與USB 2.0和LabVIEW驅(qū)動(dòng):CCD-S3600-D(-UV)

更新:2024/2/20 16:29:27      點(diǎn)擊:
  • 產(chǎn)品品牌   Alphalas
  • 產(chǎn)品型號   CCD-S3600-D(-UV)
  • 產(chǎn)品描述   CCD-S3600-D(-UV)CCD豸ì...

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      高靈敏度線陣CCD傳感器陣列包含3648個(gè)有效像素,并涵蓋廣泛的光譜范圍。該傳感器由復(fù)雜的基于FPGA的硬件控制。像16位ADC,32 MB DDR2內(nèi)存和USB 2.0等高端組件確保高精度,大容量數(shù)據(jù)存儲和高速。亮點(diǎn)包括,無失幀,在參數(shù)的精確控制(如集成)高幀速率,觸發(fā)進(jìn)出,多種操作模式和獨(dú)特的數(shù)據(jù)流模式。





  • 高靈敏度的線陣CCD傳感器陣列具有3648有效像素(8×200微; m每個(gè)),高光學(xué)分辨率和寬動(dòng)態(tài)范圍

  • 寬光譜范圍:320 - 1100納米,200 - 1100 UV選項(xiàng)

  • 精確的16位高速ADC(每像素65536級亮度)

  • 即插即用,完全由軟件控制

  • 積分時(shí)間可以從10微設(shè)置; S - 1分鐘在精確的1微; S步驟

  • 高幀率高達(dá)269.5 FPS

  • 板載數(shù)據(jù)存儲模式和獨(dú)特的直接數(shù)據(jù)流模式:捕捉后續(xù)幀的數(shù)量不受限制在高幀速率無失幀(限制就是你的存儲設(shè)備)

  • 大32 MB高速DDR2內(nèi)存為4599幀和數(shù)據(jù)緩沖板載數(shù)據(jù)存儲

  • 高速USB 2.0(480 Mbit / s的)

  • FPGA硬件控制器和高速電子

  • 從與外部設(shè)備的觸發(fā)輸入和輸出同步

  • 多種操作模式及多種觸發(fā)模式

  • 硬件暗校正

  • USB供電,無需外接電源,緊湊的設(shè)計(jì)

  • 支持多種編程語言和開發(fā)平臺無限制后處理的可能性

  • 多操作系統(tǒng)支持:Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的,等等(32&64位)

  • 自由與現(xiàn)成使用FTDI的USB驅(qū)動(dòng)程序和庫,LabVIEW驅(qū)動(dòng)(8.6及更高版本),GUI應(yīng)用程序和C ++的例子,所有可用于Windows,Linux和Mac OS X的

  • 未來操作系統(tǒng)的支持將增加。只要FTDI發(fā)布新的驅(qū)動(dòng)程序也可以從FTDI立即下載免費(fèi)的,可用于該設(shè)備。不同于其他公司,ALPHALAS不定制FTDI的VID和PID,因此該設(shè)備可以直接,盡快為他們發(fā)布使用原不斷更新的驅(qū)動(dòng)程序。這也是理想的OEM應(yīng)用。

Overview of the CCD-S3600-D(-UV):

      The CCD-S3600-D(-UV) is a complete and ready to use high-speed digital CCD line scan camera. The device includes many advanced and unique features. At the same time it is easy to use, very compact, lightweight and does not require an external power supply.

      The high-sensitivity linear CCD sensor array contains 3648 active pixels and covers a wide spectral range. The sensor is controlled by complex FPGA-based state-of-the-art hardware. Other high-end components like 16-bit ADC, 32 MB DDR2 RAM & USB 2.0 assure high precision, large data storage & high speed. Highlights include high frame rates with no missing frames, precise control over parameters (e.g. integration), trigger in & out, multiple operating modes and a unique data streaming mode.

      The CCD-S3600-D(-UV) is suitable for novice users who need to simply acquire light intensity data as well as advanced users and experts who want to "squeeze out" each of the advanced capabilities of the device.

      The CCD camera supports all major OS and can be interfaced from many programming languages, allowing unlimited post-processing possibilities.  Constantly updated USB drivers, interfacing libraries and well-commented applications for LabVIEW and C++ are included free of charge.

      The CCD line camera represents an ideal cost-effective solution for numerous applications in science, research, education and OEM.



Highlights of the advanced digital high-speed CCD line camera CCD-S3600-D(-UV):

  • Best-in-class device available on the market

  • High-sensitivity linear CCD sensor array with 3648 pixels

  • 16-bit ADC

  • 32 MB DDR2 onboard RAM

  • USB 2.0 Plug & Play

  • Trigger input & output

  • High frame rates with no missing frames

  • Unique data streaming mode

  • UV (ultra-violet) option

  • Easy to use with fully software-programmable parameters

  • State-of-the-art FPGA-driven hardware with many unique features that you will not find on any other device

  • Very compact & USB-powered (no external power supply required)

  • Supports Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP (WHQL certified drivers),
    Linux , Mac OS X & Other OS

  • Includes drivers & applications for LabVIEW & C++


  • CCD_S3600-D_Pulsed_Laser_Application_Example.jpg



  • High-sensitivity linear CCD sensor array with 3648 active pixels (8 x 200 µm each), high optical resolution & wide dynamic range

  • Wide spectral range: 320 - 1100 nm, 200 - 1100 with UV Option

  • Precise 16-bit high-speed ADC (65536 intensity levels per pixel)

  • Plug & play, full software control

  • Integration time can be set from 10 µs - 1 min in precise 1 µs steps

  • High frame rates up to 269.5 fps

  • Onboard data storage mode & unique direct data streaming mode: Capture an unlimited number of subsequent frames with no missing frames at the highest frame rate (the only constraint is your storage device)

  • Large 32 MB high-speed DDR2 RAM for onboard data storage of 4599 frames & data buffering

  • High-speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbit/s)

  • State-of-the-art FPGA HW controller & high-speed electronics

  • Trigger input & output for synchronization from & to external devices

  • Multiple operating modes & multiple trigger modes

  • Hardware dark correction

  • USB-powered, no external supply required, very compact design

  • Supported by many programming languages & development platforms for unlimited post-processing possibilities

  • Multi-OS support: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc. (32 & 64 bit)

  • Free & ready-to-use FTDI USB drivers & libraries, LabVIEW drivers (for version 8.6 and later), GUI applications & C++ examples, all available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

  • Future OS support will be added. As soon as FTDI releases new drivers they can be immediately downloaded from FTDI free of charge and can be used for the device. Unlike other companies, ALPHALAS does not customize FTDI's VID and PID and therefore the device can directly use the original constantly updated drivers as soon as they are released. This is also ideal for OEM applications.




  • Ideal for science, research, education as well as OEM applications

  • Ideal for mobile / notebook / laptop as well as desktop use

  • Physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine, medicine (but not for use on human beings)

  • Lasers, optics, photonics, spectroscopy

  • Measurements: light, fluorescence, M², beam profile, single-shot autocorrelators

  • Imaging (1-D or 2-D by parallel moving), data acquisition, machine vision, monitoring, process control, industrial OEM applications

